When planning for the Humboldt-Klinikum in Berlin Lutz Noack was fully aware of the special responsibility resting on his shoulders, because system failures in hospitals can soon become life-threatening.
How did you first hear about the arc fault protection system?
Lutz Noack: Dr Förster, one of DEHN’s sales representatives, showed us the DEHNshort arc fault protection system. I passed the information on to the person responsible for the electrical engineering of the VIVANTES properties, one of which is the Humboldt-Klinikum (hospital).
Was it difficult to convince the customer of the necessity for an arc fault protection system?
LN: At first, the customer wanted more information about DEHNshort and DEHN as the manufacturer. Dr. Förster organised an appointment so that we, the planning engineers, and our customers could see DEHNshort in action. The arc fault protection test at the IPH Berlin was very impressive1.
Which arguments convinced the customer to install an arc fault protection system?
LN: The protection of those people working on the electrical systems was the first consideration. Due to the increasingly complex nature of power supply and distribution systems, there is a significant risk for electricians during maintenance and repairs. The operator must eliminate the risk of accident and personal injury.
The second consideration was the system availability: A power failure in a hospital must be avoided at all costs. In care and treatment areas that would be immediately life-threatening – just think of a patient in an operating theatre on artificial respiration of other life-preserving systems. Here, system availability is synonymous with patient protection.
1 IPH: Institut Prüffeld für elektrische Hochleistungstechnik GmbH, Berlin