Service specifications DEHNconcept

Calculation of Earth-Termination Systems for Transformer Stations (S03375)

Specification Basis

DIN EN 50522 (VDE (German Association for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) 0101-2):2011-11 Part 2 in the version valid at the time the order is placed;
DIN VDE 0100 Part 410, Part 540 in the version valid at the time the order is placed;
DIN VDE 0185-305-3 in the version valid at the time the order is placed;
DIN 18014 in the version valid at the time the order is placed;
DIN VDE 0151 in the version valid at the time the order is placed;
DIN VDE 0141 in the version valid at the time the order is placed;

(If, at the time the order is placed, one of the above standards is in a transition period between two versions, the newer version shall apply.)
(In the case of IEC standards, there is no transition period between two versions.)


  1. Basic information about the electrical installation (DEHN data sheet)
  2. Installation of the transformer, e.g. rigid earthing / insulated neutral point
  3. Optional: Conducting a fee-based on-site as-built survey / project meeting(S03070)


  1. Result of conductor cross-section calculation depending on the material
  2. Technical parameters of the electrical installation by means of a DEHN calculation program


  1. Calculation of the inner earth electrode in the substation space
  2. Calculation of the protective conductor to the MEB
  3. Calculation of the MEB
  4. Calculation of the earthing and short-circuiting device (primary side)
  5. Calculation of the earthing and short-circuiting device (secondary side)
  6. General description (PDF document):

Document Format

Creation of CAD Drawings of Structures as a Basis for Designing Lightning Protection Systems (S04555)

Specification Basis

In order to design lightning protection systems and the related design of the protected volume of the air-termination system, it is necessary to have the scaled representation of the current building stock in a CAD file. If there are no such files or only insufficient 2D or 3D CAD files when commissioning a lightning protection design, these can be redrawn as 3D drawings using existing drawing documents in paper form and / or pixel scans of as-built drawings.


  1. Provision of drawings of the building / plant to be protected in non-editable electronic form or in paper form
  2. Optional: Conducting a fee-based on-site as-built survey / project meeting (S03070)


Graphic representation of the building / plant to be protected in 3D CAD files


Graphic representation of the outer sheath of the building / plant to be protected, which is necessary for the designing of lightning protection measures in 3D CAD files

Document Format

  • Handover of all documents electronically in PDF format
  • Handover in open formats (e.g. dwg, nwd, ifc,) with separate, signed handover document possible

Design of a Surge Protection Concept (S05596)

Specification Basis

DIN EN 62305-3 (VDE 0185-305-3) in the version valid at the time the order is placed;
DIN EN 62305-4 (VDE 0185-305-4) in the version valid at the time the order is placed;
DIN VDE 0100-443 (VDE 0100-443) in the version valid at the time the order is placed;
DIN VDE 0100-534 (VDE 0100-534) in the version valid at the time the order is placed;
DIN VDE 0100-712 (VDE 0100-712) in the version valid at the time the order is placed;

(If, at the time the order is placed, one of the above standards is in a transition period between two versions, the newer version shall apply.)  

IEC 62305-3 in the version valid at the time the order is placed;
IEC 62305-4 in the version valid at the time the order is placed;
IEC 60364-4-44 in the version valid at the time the order is placed;
IEC 60364-5-53 in the version valid at the time the order is placed;
IEC 60364-7-712 in the version valid at the time the order is placed;

(In the case of IEC standards, there is no transition period between two versions.)


  1. Basic information about the electrical installation
  2. Provision of distribution schematics / circuit diagrams of the electrical installation
  3. Optional: Conducting a fee-based on-site as-built survey / project meeting


  1. Dimensioning and provision of the protection goals for the electrical installation / electronic components with the customer (also optional on-site as-built survey)
  2. Creation of a surge protection concept based on the as-built survey or the documents provided
    1. Dimensioning and selection of surge protective devices for the surge protection system, according to the given specifications of the electrical installation to be protected
    2. Graphic representation of the surge arresters used on the component / installation to be protected, based on a distribution board structure diagram
    3. Image documentation with textual description
    4. Creation of a product list of the surge protection components used
  1. Optional: Creating a fee-based design of the external lightning protection system (S19292, S19293, S19294)
  2. Optional: Creating a fee-based design of the earth-termination system for external lightning protection systems (S19295)


  1. Textual description with image documentation and distribution board structure diagram including the planned surge arresters
  2. Product list of surge arresters used (without any necessary accessories, e.g. arrester backup fuse)
  3. Provision of product data sheets, manufacturer's declarations and installation instructions (if available) of the components used in the design
  4. Optional: Free provision of tender specification texts of the components used in the design
  5. Optional: Preparation of a detailed bill of materials (also preparation of a material quotation with existing customer conditions for lightning protection material)

Document Format

  • Handover of all documents electronically in PDF format
  • Handover in open formats (e.g. .docx, .xlsx) with separate, signed handover document possible

Lightning Protection Risk Management (S19277)

Specification Basis

DIN EN 62305-2 (VDE 0185-305-2) in the version valid at the time the order is placed;

(If, at the time the order is placed, the above standard is in a transition period between two versions, the newer version shall apply.)

IEC 62305-2 in the version valid at the time the order is placed;

(In the case of IEC standards, there is no transition period between two versions.)


  1. Completed questionnaire signed by the customer for an assessment of the risk of damage to structures and other supporting documents (e.g. fire protection document)
  2. Optional: Conducting a fee-based on-site as-built survey / project meeting (S03070) with the aim of answering the questionnaire for an assessment of the risk of damage to structures in cooperation with the customer


Risk management consideration according to DIN EN 62305-2 or IEC 62305-2 based on the input parameters specified by the customer or developed in cooperation with the customer


  1. Definition of the structure to be considered and its properties
  2. Definition of all types of loss for the structure to be considered and the related risks of damage R1, R2, R3 and R4
  3. Assessment of the risk of damage for each selected type of loss
  4. Assessment of the protection requirement by comparing the selected risks of damage (R1, R2 and R3) for a structure with the tolerable risk RT
  5. If R4 is selected: assessment of the economic efficiency of the protection by comparing the costs of a total loss with and without protection measures

Document Format

  • Handover of all documents electronically in PDF format
  • Handover in open formats (e.g. .docx, .dsprj) with separate, signed handover document possible

Travel Expenses for On-Site As-Built Survey / Project Meeting (S03070)

Specification Basis

Due to the lack of / incomplete documentation for a building to be provided with lightning protection measures, an on-site as-built survey by the designer may be useful for designing lightning protection systems and the related design of the protected volume of the air-termination systems. In a personal conversation with the customer, the expectations of a lightning protection design are also determined and general potential solutions for lightning protection systems are shown.


  1. Participation of the customer’s decision-making officer in the meeting
  2. Accessibility of the plant to be inspected
  3. Photography permit
  4. Information on required personal protective equipment


  1. As-built survey of the plant
  2. Discussion of general potential solutions


  1. Inspection of the plant
  2. Photo documentation of the plant
  3. Definition of the solution variants for lightning protection

Document Format

Handover of all documents electronically in PDF format

Separation Distance Calculation (S19288)

Specification Basis

DIN EN 62305-3 (VDE 0185-305-3) in the version valid at the time the order is placed;

(If, at the time the order is placed, the above standard is in a transition period between two versions, the newer version shall apply.)

IEC 62305-3 in the version valid at the time the order is placed;

(In the case of IEC standards, there is no transition period between two versions.)


  1. Provision of drawings of the lightning protection system of the building / plant to be protected in electronic form in the following data formats:
    • 2D: .dxf, .dwg, .pdf
    • 3D: .dwg, ifc, nwd, skp
  2. Optional: Conducting a fee-based on-site as-built survey / project meeting


Separation distance calculation according to section 6.3 of DIN EN 62305-3 or IEC 62305-3


  1. Textual description of the separation distance calculation with an explanation of the solution principles and a list of possible boundary conditions to be observed
  2. Drawing illustrating the separation distances to be observed from the DEHNsupport Distance Tool

Document Format

  • Handover of all documents electronically in PDF format
  • Handover in open formats (e.g. .docx, .pri) with separate, signed handover document possible

Acceptance Test of Lightning Protection System (S19290)

(Determination of the conformity of the installed lightning protection system with the design documents)

Specification Basis

  • Professional installation of lightning protection systems as planned, while taking into account the product-specific installation specifications for the lightning protection components to be used (decisive for the intended function of the lightning protection system)
  • Determination of the conformity of the installed lightning protection system with the underlying design documents as a necessary requirement for the testing and maintenance of the lightning protection system


Design services performed by DEHN (C&P)



and / or


  1. Comparison of the design documents with the installed lightning protection system on site (visual inspection)
  2. Creation of design documentation with image documentation and written notes


Design documentation with image documentation and written notes

Document Format

  • Handover of all documents electronically in PDF format
  • Handover in open formats (e.g. .docx, .xlsx, .dwg, .dxf) with separate, signed handover document possible


The determination of the conformity of the installed lightning protection system with the design documents does not replace the requirements for the maintenance and testing of a lightning protection system in accordance with section 7 of DIN EN 62305-3 (VDE 0185-305-3) in the version valid at the time the order is placed.

Designing of External Lightning Protection Systems (without Earth-Termination Systems) with Isolated Air-Termination Systems and Down Conductors (S19292)

Specification Basis

DIN EN 62305-3 (VDE 0185-305-3) in the version valid at the time the order is placed;

(If, at the time the order is placed, the above standard is in a transition period between two versions, the newer version shall apply.)

IEC 62305-3 in the version valid at the time the order is placed;

(In the case of IEC standards, there is no transition period between two versions.)


  1. Fully completed project data sheet (form provided by DEHN (C&P))
  2. Provision of drawings of the building / plant to be protected in electronic form in one of the following data formats:
    • 2D: .dxf, .dwg, pdf (not scanned!)
    • 3D: .dwg, ifc, dgn, skp, stl, stp
    • Optional: fee-based commissioning of a creation of drawings(S04555) or fee-based commissioning of a 3D scan for the generation of 3D data of the building / plant to be protected (S10366)
  3. Optional: Conducting a fee-based on-site as-built survey / project meeting (S03070)


  1. Dimensioning of the air-termination systems of the lightning protection system (LPS) according to the selected protection class of the LPS with the rolling sphere method according to section 5.3.3 of DIN EN 62305-3 or IEC 62305-3, and taking into account the wind loads according to EUROCODE 1
  2. Dimensioning of the down conductors of the lightning protection system (LPS) according to the selected protection class of the LPS
  3. Graphic representation of the air-termination systems and down conductors on the building / plant to be protected
  4. Protected volume construction of the air-termination systems (2D or 3D depending on the format of the data provided and the complexity of the building / plant to be protected)
  5. Creation of a bill of materials of the lightning protection components used
  6. Separation distance calculation according to section 6.3 of DIN EN 62305-3 or IEC 62305-3
  7. Optional: Creating a fee-based design of the earth-termination system for external lightning protection systems (S19295)
  8. Optional: Creating a fee-based design of surge protection measures (S05596)


  1. Textual description of the lightning protection concept / lightning protection solution with an explanation of the solution principles and a list of possible boundary conditions to be observed in the practical implementation of the design
  2. Drawings of the roof view and the protected volume construction (2D or 3D depending on the format of the data provided relating to the building / structure to be protected)
  3. Drawings of installation details of the lightning protection components used
  4. Material bill of materials (also preparation of a material quotation with existing customer conditions for lightning protection material)
  5. Provision of product data sheets, manufacturer's declarations and installation instructions (if available) of the components used in the design
  6. Optional: Free provision of tender specification texts of the components used in the design

Document Format

  • Handover of all documents electronically in PDF format
  • Handover in open formats (e.g. .docx, .xlsx, .dwg, .nwd) with separate, signed handover document possible

Designing of External Lightning Protection Systems (without Earth-Termination Systems) with Non-Isolated Air-Termination Systems and Down Conductors (S19293)

Specification Basis

DIN EN 62305-3 (VDE 0185-305-3) in the version valid at the time the order is placed;

(If, at the time the order is placed, the above standard is in a transition period between two versions, the newer version shall apply.)

IEC 62305-3 in the version valid at the time the order is placed;

(In the case of IEC standards, there is no transition period between two versions.)


  1. Fully completed project data sheet (form provided by DEHN (C&P))
  2. Provision of drawings of the building / plant to be protected in electronic form in one of the following data formats:
    • 2D: .dxf, .dwg, pdf (not scanned!)
    • 3D: .dwg, ifc, dgn, skp, stl, stp
    • Optional: fee-based commissioning of a creation of drawings (S04555) or fee-based commissioning of a 3D scan for the generation of 3D data of the building / structure to be protected (S10366)
  3. Optional: Conducting a fee-based on-site as-built survey / project meeting (S03070)


  1. Dimensioning of the air-termination systems of the lightning protection system (LPS) according to the selected protection class of the LPS with the rolling sphere method according to section 5.3.3 of DIN EN 62305-3 or IEC 62305-3, and taking into account the wind loads according to EUROCODE 1
  2. Dimensioning of the down conductors of the lightning protection system (LPS) according to the selected protection class of the LPS
  3. Graphic representation of the air-termination systems and down conductors on the building / plant to be protected
  4. Protected volume construction of the air-termination systems (2D or 3D depending on the format of the data provided relating to the building / plant to be protected)
  5. Creation of a bill of materials of lightning protection components
  6. Performance of a separation distance calculation according to section 6.3 of DIN EN 62305-3 or IEC 62305-3, if required
  7. Optional: Creating a fee-based design of the earth-termination system for external lightning protection systems (S19295)
  8. Optional: Creating a fee-based design of surge protection measures (S05596)


  1. Textual description of the lightning protection concept / lightning protection solution with an explanation of the solution principles and a list of possible boundary conditions to be observed in the practical implementation of the design
  2. Drawings of the roof view and the protected volume construction (2D or 3D depending on the format of the data provided relating to the building / structure to be protected)
  3. Drawings of installation details of the lightning protection components used
  4. Material bill of materials (also preparation of a material quotation with existing customer conditions for lightning protection material)
  5. Provision of product data sheets, manufacturer's declarations and installation instructions (if available) of the components used in the design
  6. Optional: Free provision of tender specification texts of the components used in the design

Document Format

  • Handover of all documents electronically in PDF format
  • Handover in open formats (e.g. docx, .xlsx, .dwg, nwd) with separate, signed handover document possible

Designing of External Lightning Protection Systems (without Earth-Termination Systems) with Isolated and Non-Isolated Air-Termination Systems and Down Conductors (S19294)

Specification Basis

DIN EN 62305-3 (VDE 0185-305-3) in the version valid at the time the order is placed;

(If, at the time the order is placed, the above standard is in a transition period between two versions, the newer version shall apply.)

IEC 62305-3 in the version valid at the time the order is placed;

(In the case of IEC standards, there is no transition period between two versions.)


  1. Fully completed project data sheet (form provided by DEHN (C&P))
  2. Provision of drawings of the building / plant to be protected in electronic form in one of the following data formats:
    • 2D: .dxf, .dwg, pdf (not scanned!)
    • 3D: dwg, ifc, dgn, skp, stl, stp
    • Optional: Fee-based commissioning of a creation of drawings (S04555) or fee-based commissioning of a 3D scan for the generation of 3D data of the building / plant to be protected (S10366)
  3. Optional: Conducting a fee-based on-site as-built survey / project meeting (S03070)


  1. Dimensioning of the air-termination systems of the lightning protection system (LPS) according to the selected protection class of the LPS with the rolling sphere method according to section 5.3.3 of DIN EN 62305-3 or IEC 62305-3, and taking into account the wind loads according to EUROCODE 1
  2. Dimensioning of the down conductors of the lightning protection system (LPS) according to the selected protection class of the LPS
  3. Graphic representation of the air-termination systems and down conductors on the building / plant to be protected
  4. Protected volume construction of the air-termination systems (2D or 3D depending on the format of the data provided relating to the building / plant to be protected)
  5. Creation of a bill of materials of lightning protection components
  6. Separation distance calculation according to section 6.3 of DIN EN 62305-3 or IEC 62305-3,
  7. Optional: Creating a fee-based design of the earth-termination system for external lightning protection systems (S19295)
  8. Optional: Creating a fee-based design of surge protection measures (S05596)


  1. Textual description of the lightning protection concept / lightning protection solution with an explanation of the solution principles and a list of possible boundary conditions to be observed in the practical implementation of the design
  2. Drawings of the roof view and the protected volume construction (2D or 3D depending on the format of the data provided relating to the building / structure to be protected)
  3. Drawings of installation details of the lightning protection components used
  4. Material bill of materials (also preparation of a material quotation with existing customer conditions for lightning protection material)
  5. Provision of product data sheets, manufacturer's declarations and installation instructions (if available) of the components used in the design
  6. Optional: Free provision of tender specification texts of the components used in the design

Document Format

  • Handover of all documents electronically in PDF format
  • Handover in open formats (e.g. .docx, .xlsx, .dwg, nwd) with separate, signed handover document possible

Designing of Earth-Termination Systems for External Lightning Protection Systems (S19295)

Specification Basis

DIN EN 62305-3 (VDE 0185-305-3) in the version valid at the time the order is placed;
DIN 18014 in the version valid at the time the order is placed;

(If, at the time the order is placed, the above standards are in a transition period between two versions, the newer version shall apply.)

IEC 62305-3 in the version valid at the time the order is placed;

(In the case of IEC standards, there is no transition period between two versions.)


  1. Provision of drawings of the building / plant to be protected in electronic form in one of the following data formats:
    • 2D: .dxf, .dwg, pdf (not scanned!)
      3D: .dwg
    • Optional: Fee-based commissioning of a creation of drawings (S04555)
  2. Optional: Conducting a fee-based on-site as-built survey / project meeting (S03070)


  1. Dimensioning of the earth-termination system of the lightning protection system (LPS) according to the selected protection class of the LPS according to section 5.4 of DIN EN 62305-3 and DIN 18014
  2. Graphic representation of the earth-termination system on the building / plant to be protected
  3. Creation of a bill of materials of the components of the earth-termination system


  1. Textual description of the earthing concept / earth-termination system with an explanation of the solution principles and a list of possible boundary conditions to be observed in the practical implementation of the planning
  2. Drawings of the earth-termination system
  3. Drawings of installation details of the lightning protection components used
  4. Material bill of materials (also preparation of a material quotation with existing customer conditions for lightning protection material)
  5. Provision of product data sheets, manufacturer's declarations and installation instructions (if available) of the components used in the desig
  6. Optional: Free provision of tender specification texts of the components used in the design

Document Format

  • Handover of all documents electronically in PDF format
  • Handover in open formats (e.g. .docx, .xlsx, .dwg) with separate, signed handover document possible

Checking the Protected Volume of Existing Lightning Protection System (using Laser Scanning or 3D Modelling) (S14819)

Specification Basis

DIN EN 62305-3 (VDE 0185-305-3) in the version valid at the time the order is placed;

(If, at the time the order is placed, the above standard is in a transition period between two versions, the newer version shall apply.)

IEC 62305-3 in the version valid at the time the order is placed;

(In the case of IEC standards, there is no transition period between two versions.)


  1. The existing object will be recorded by DEHN via laser scanning or an on-site inspection with subsequent creation of drawings.
  2. Optional: Customer can provide an up-to-date 3D model with existing lightning protection.
    • 3D: .dwg, .skp, dgn, stp, ifc
    • 3D scan files: lfm/lfd and Navisworks model


  1. Recording of the existing object and the existing external lightning protection using the laser scanner
    Optional: As-built survey through on-site inspection and subsequent creation of drawings. 
  2. Creation of a point cloud model (laser) or CAD model (creation of drawings) with the existing external lightning protection
  3. Protected volume testing via the existing lightning protection according to the selected protection class of the LPS with the rolling sphere method according to section 5.3.3 of DIN EN 62305-3 or IEC 62305-3


  1. Textual description of the on-site situation with explanations, image documentation and written notes
  2. 3D model (executed as a point cloud or CAD model) with the existing external lightning protection and the determined protected volume
    Optional: Using the customer's own model

Document Format

  • Handover of all documents electronically in PDF format
  • Handover of the model with protected volume in Navisworks format
  • Handover in open formats (e.g. .docx, .xlsx, .dwg, .dxf) with separate, signed handover document possible

Schutzraumüberprüfung von bestehenden Blitzschutzsystemen (S14819)

(mithilfe Laserscanning oder 3D Modellierung)


DIN EN 62305-3 (VDE 0185-305-3) in der zum Zeitpunkt der Auftragserteilung gültigen Fassung;

(Befindet sich die o.g. Norm zum Zeitpunkt der Auftragserteilung in einer Übergangsfrist zwischen zwei Ausgaben, so findet die neuere Ausgabe Anwendung.)

IEC 62305-3 in der zum Zeitpunkt der Auftragserteilung gültigen Fassung;

(Bei IEC-Normen ist zwischen zwei Ausgaben keine Übergangsfrist vorgesehen.)


  1. Das Bestandobjekt wird von der Fa. DEHN per Laserscanning oder Vor-Ort-Begehung mit darauffolgender Zeichnungserstellung aufgenommen werden
  2. Optional: Kunde kann ein aktuelles 3D Modell mit vorhandenen Blitzschutz zur Verfügung stellen.
    • 3D: .dwg, .skp, dgn, stp, ifc
    • 3D Scandateien: lfm/lfd und Navisworks-Modell


  1. Aufnahme des Bestandobjektes und des vorhanden äußeren Blitzschutz mithilfe des Laserscanners
    Optional: Bestandsaufnahme durch Vor-Ort-Begehung und danach folgender Zeichnungserstellung.
  2. Erstellung eines Punktewolke-Modell (Laser) oder CAD-Modells (Zeichnungserstellung) mit dem vorhandenen äußeren Blitzschutz
  3. Schutzraumüberprüfung über den vorhandenen Blitzschutz entsprechend der gewählten Schutzklasse des LPS mit dem Blitzkugelverfahren entsprechend Abschnitt 5.3.3 der DIN EN 62305-3 oder IEC 62305-3


  1. Textliche Beschreibung der Vor-Ort-Situation mit Erläuterungen, Bilddokumentation und schriftlichen Anmerkungen
  2. 3D Modell (ausgeführt als Punktewolke oder CAD-Modell) mit dem vorhandenen äußeren Blitzschutz und den ermittelten Schutzraum
    Optional: Verwendung des kundeneigenen Modells


  • Übergabe aller Dokumente elektronisch im PDF-Format
  • Übergabe des Modelles mit Schutzraum im Navisworksformat
  • Übergabe in offenen Formaten (z.B. .docx, .xlsx, .dwg, .dxf) mit separatem, unterzeichnetem Übergabedokument möglich

Budget planning (S15592)

(Cost estimate for lightning protection and earth-termination systems)


Specification Basis

DIN EN 62305-3 (VDE 0185-305-3) in the version valid at the time the order is placed;

(If, at the time the order is placed, the above standard is in a transition period between two versions, the newer version shall apply.)

IEC 62305-3 in the version valid at the time the order is placed;

(In the case of IEC standards, there is no transition period between two versions.)


  1. Fully completed project data sheet (form provided by DEHN SE + Co KG ) or, as an alternative, the most important information is included in the e-mail (customer, information on the object, class of LPS, building type, desired lightning protection system and desired earth-termination system)
  2. Provision of drawings of the building / plant to be protected in electronic form in one of the following data formats:
    • 2D: .dxf, .dwg, pdf
    • 3D: .dwg, .skp, dgn, stp, ifc
    • Optional: Fee-based commissioning of an on-site as-built survey of the building / plant to be protected


  1. Estimation of material costs (+/-20%) of lightning protection and/or earthing measures for a building or plant submitted by the customer according to DIN EN 62305-3 or IEC 62305-3 in the latest version
  2. Information on design costs by DEHN
  3. Information on the planned measures


  1. Description of estimated material costs (+/- 20%), design costs and short description of measures

Document Format

  • Handover of all documents electronically in PDF format
  • Handover in open formats (e.g. .docx, .xlsx, .dwg, .dxf) with separate, signed handover document possible

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