DEHNconcept Erdungssimulation
Earthing simulation

Step and touch voltages safely under control

Don't take any risks when it comes to personal protection.

Lightning exposure or short-circuit currents within the system can cause life-threatening step and touch voltages.

A properly dimensioned earthing system protects here. It limits voltage to maximum permissible values, even in the event of a fault. This guarantees a high level of operational safety and protects people on the installation.

Your services

The DEHNconcept team will create an earthing simulation for you covering various scenarios:

  • Danger from lightning for public buildings, e.g.
    Children's nurseries, meeting houses or water parks
  • Danger posed by short-circuit currents or lightning at transformer stations


Does the earthing system you are planning safely protect against step and touch voltages?
On this basis, you evaluate and optimise your protection system.

This is how it works

Step 1:
You summarise the situation regarding your specific facility in a questionnaire.

Step 2:
The DEHNconcept team carry out the earthing simulation for you.

Step 3:
You receive a detailed report.

  • Modell HUGO Schritt- und Berührungsspannung TU Darmstadt
    Earthing simulation for step and touch voltages
  • DEHNconcept - Schrittspannung
    Simulation of step voltage
  • DEHNconcept Potentialanhebung
    Simulation of the potential increase

What you can expect

The results of the simulation are processed and graphically displayed with the help of colour codes and value tables. This allows you to quickly and easily identify the safe and unsafe areas of your installation. 
The 2D and 3D representations as well as explanation texts provide information about the influence of the disturbance variables with regard to potential rise and step and contact voltage.


This gives you a sound basis for your individual protection concept.

Your design basis

You receive these documents in PDF format for your planning:

  • Detailed report on possible risk potential, including concrete proposals for preventing hazardous step and touch voltages.
  • Detailed drawings of the earthing system and graphical depictions of the results.
  • Bills of materials and tender specifications of the recommended materials

Advantages for you

With an earthing simulation from the DEHN experts, you can

  • Provide safety
    in the case of step and touch voltages


  • Save time
    through professional planning support


  • Reduce costs
    thanks to the needs-based use of earthing materials


Have you got questions? Contact us.

Team DEHNconcept

Phone: +49 9181 906 1600

Fax: +49 9181 906 1219

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