DEHN schützt LED Beleuchtung
DEHN protects LEDs

Surge protection for LED lighting

Surge protective devices stop sensitive LED technology from being damaged. They prevent costly outages, time-consuming repair work and expensive replacement of the luminaires.

Despite their many advantages, LED lights are more susceptible to surges and a lot more expensive to replace than conventional luminaires. Pointless expense which can easily be avoided.

Damage due to surges

Not only direct lightning strikes lead to damage, often it is indirect lightning that causes overvoltages exceeding the immunity of sensitive LED luminaires many times over.

Overvoltage damage usually occurs in the form of partial or complete failure of the LED modules, destruction of the LED drivers, loss of brightness or failure of the entire control electronics. Even if the luminaire continues to function, surges usually have a negative influence on its service life.

Protective devices prevent failure

Powerful surge arresters prevent damage and increase the service life of LED luminaires. This enables you to optimise your replacement rate and minimise costly maintenance work. That's how you save money.

Not only that, safeguarding the availability of the lighting keeps operators, employees, local authorities and residents happy.

Avoid unnecessary maintenance jobs and safeguard availability with an effective bespoke surge protection concept.

DEHN Test Centre

How immune are luminaires to transient overvoltages when there is no surge protection?

This is a question that interests both luminaire manufacturers and users, such as municipal utilities and municipalities.

Benefit from the wide range of testing services at the DEHN Test Centre.
As part of a system test, you receive proof that surge protection devices protect the downstream luminaires.


Have you got any questions? Contact us.

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