Configure EaS devices

Easy online configuration of earthing and short-circuiting devices

The new earthing and short-circuiting configurator allows easy, quick and safe online configuration of your earthing and short-circuiting device (EaS). Quickly select the right earthing and short-circuiting device for your application via the intuitive menu navigation. The configuration of the connecting parts and earthing cables is precise and perfectly harmonised.

The variant number allows to clearly identify the finished product and order it at a later date. You may also use the Part No. of your previous orders for configuration.

The result of your selection can be added to the shopping cart, sent via email or printed.


Have a look at the demo-video here!

The earthing and short-circuiting configurator – simple as never before!


There are three possibilities for a fast selection:

Start the configurator:
Select the cable cross-section, shaft type, clamp, operation and earthing stick in just a few steps.

Enter the variant number and start the configurator:
If you enter the variant number, an earthing and short-circuiting device is displayed that can be modified at any time.

Enter the Part No. and start the configurator:
"Old" Part Nos. from previous orders can be used to configure your usual earthing and short-circuiting device – with a new variant number.

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