MasterMind Monitoring Options

Current Technology MasterMind® Monitoring system offers multiple levels of advanced, multifunction, power quality monitoring for SL3™, TG3™, and PX3™ suppression filter systems. MasterMind provides real-time data on product protective status, performance, and distribution system power characteristics. In addition to local visual indication and access, this critical information can now be accessed remotely by adding both Modbus and ethernet communications options. The MasterMind system is capable of providing time date stamps, magnitudes, and durations for many types of power quality events.

Key benefits

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Memory capacity

allowing up to 2,000 events and 1,000 P.Q. records to be recorded

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End-users ability to set alarm conditions

by establishing the magnitude and duration required to trigger an alarm event

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Categorize function

The surge counter function not only counts surges but also categorizes them into three recognizable industry categories

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Access critical information remotely

through the addition of both Modbus and ethernet communications options

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Real-time data

on product performance and distribution system power quality

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Protection at all times

monitoring options sense and communicate the available surge protection for each phase. This capability assures the operator that critical loads are thoroughly and safely protected 

Key features

  • Tri-colored LED indicator that changes color based on the amount of protection remaining
  • Two sets of dry relay contacts for remote monitoring
  • Audible alarm with an alarm disable switch
  • Optional surge counter (M2)  
  • Time date stamps, magnitudes, and durations for most types of power quality events
  • Not a standard surge counter
  • Surges detected by the MasterMind system categories are low, medium or high depending upon the level of surge current associated with each event.
  • Percent protection sensing
  • Remote communications include Modbus TCP/IP over ethernet, web server via the ethernet connection, Modbus over RS485, or standard dry relay contacts.

Discover the Excellence of Mastermind!

Click here for detailed technical specifications and see how Mastermind can elevate your experience.

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Datasheet Current Technology MasterMind® Monitoring Options .pdf 0.2 MB
Manual Current Technology IOM - Operational Manual - MasterMind™  .pdf 3.5 MB

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Contact us!

Phone: 866-757-4513