DEHNshort protects
Shopping City Süd in Vienna
Shopping City Süd in Vienna
Shopping City Süd (SCS) in Vienna wants to offer its employees a safe working environment and provide customers with a relaxed shopping experience.
A tailor-made arc fault protection concept minimises downtimes and provides optimum protection for the technicians.

DEHN Solution | Tested protection concept against arc faults |
Project | SCS - Shopping City Süd Vienna |
Sector | Retail trade |
Location | Vienna |
Product | DEHNshort |
The challenge
It is important for the operator of a facility that the electrical system functions reliably. The operator is also responsible for the safety of their staff.
An arc fault jeopardises both the technicians and a continuous electrical power supply.
In order to optimally protect employees and minimise downtimes, it is best if arc faults are quenched as soon as they occur.
The solution
For the owner of SCS, Shopping City Süd in Vienna, UNIBAIL-RODAMCO, availability in the mall is the top priority.
They opted for the DEHNshort arc fault protection system so that their customers can shop carefree around the clock, with the shops always open.
DEHNshort provides ideal protection for low-voltage switchgear assemblies.
Arc faults are detected and quenched as soon as they arise. No serious damage is therefore incurred.

DEHNshort in the Shopping City Süd Vienna
Harald Gamsjäger says:
"Protecting service staff is the top priority for me. This is the operator's responsibility."
Harald Gamsjäger
Klenk + Meder / Austria
is in charge of maintenance at SCS Vienna.
Interview with Harald Gamsjäger
Facility operator? Want to protect your system from arc faults?
Simply send a mail to our technical support or call us on: +49 9181 1750.
We will be happy to return your call and respond to your queries in detail.