From the field:
safe working in
EV garages

It was certainly exciting, the changeover from a traditional car garage to a modern electric vehicle workshop.
So recounts Stefan Gruber.

Here he describes the challenges for him and his team.

From a conventional car garage to a
state-of-the-art electric vehicle workshop

It was really exciting for us,
but also enormously challenging.

Stefan Gruber talks about the changeover:

Sure, many typical tasks remain the same ... but where we used to just change the oil, for example, we now have to deal with high-voltage batteries and electric motor components.

We need tools that are suitable for live working up to 1,000 volts (AC) and 1,500 volts (DC). Then there are all kinds of test devices for measuring DC and AC voltage, for resistance and continuity testing, for diode tests and for contactless voltage testing. You first have to get used to dealing with it.

EVs are changing our everyday work across the board. The employees have to be specially trained for repairs or maintenance. Without a qualification, my people aren't even allowed to change the tyres on an electric car.

All technicians now have their own protective equipment; i.e. appropriate protective clothing, gloves, visors and so on. We opted for DEHN equipment because the items offer complete safety and the clothing is incredibly comfortable.

The suits, for example, are so light that you can just wear them all day. You don't even realise that it's special protective clothing.

Our team is really impressed with the gloves. There are no sweaty fingers and you can disconnect even the smallest plugs.


All in one product range

Stefan Gruber and his team are impressed with DEHN's protective equipment.

The product line also includes a protective coat that can be stored within easy reach for everyone in the work area and everything you need to cordon off the workplace.

Of course, the prescribed rescue equipment, voltage detectors, insulating mats and, and, and ... the list goes on!

Here is the complete range at a glance

View product range


Flyer Safe working on high voltage systems Drive electric mobility safely .pdf 1.2 MB

Do you have questions about working on electric vehicles?

We will be happy to answer your questions. Write to us or call us on +49 9181 906 1750.
We look forward to hearing from you.