Separation distance is key

The separation distance forms the basis for planning a lightning protection system. Challenges such as space and architectural requirements must be taken into account. With conventional external lightning protection systems, it is often difficult to maintain the prescribed separation distances. The solution is an HVI lightning protection system.

Maintain safe separation distances - with HVI lightning protection

Maintaining a separation distance is crucial to prevent dangerous flashovers between earthed parts of the building and the lightning-current-carrying components of the lightning protection system. This prevents sparking, which can otherwise lead to personal injury, property damage or fires.

The lightning current is conducted into the down conductor and into the ground in a controlled manner by means of air-termination systems. The separation distance forms the basis for the design of the lightning protection system. The calculation is carried out in accordance with the DIN EN 62305-3 standard. The minimum clearance that must be maintained between the air-termination system or down conductor and the metallic conductive parts of the building structure is determined. 

The challenges involved in maintaining the separation distance are manifold: Modern architecture sometimes makes it difficult to install down conductors with GRP spacers for aesthetic reasons. And space is often in short supply on roofs – especially for extensions, renovations and changes in how existing buildings are used. The roof surface is used for HVAC systems, recooling towers, PV systems or lift shafts, for example. Conventional lightning protection systems cannot fulfil the specifications for the required separation distance here. HVI lightning protection makes it easy to maintain the necessary separation distances.

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DEHNplan design software

With DEHNplan, you can easily plan standard-compliant external lightning protection for your project. The BIM-enabled software facilitates your planning with a visual representation of the protected volume and separation distances.

Learn more


Brochure Isolated and insulated lightning protection Professional design and dimensioning .pdf 3 MB

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