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  • Surge arrester for KNX / EIB buses
  • Extremely space-saving due to KNX / EIB bus terminal design
  • System-tested with EIBA certification


Protection of a KNX power supply unit by means of a BUStector surge arrester mounted in the standard bus terminal slot.
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Protection of a KNX bus coupling unit by means of a BUStector surge arrester mounted on a bus terminal in the mounting panel of a cable duct.
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Surge arrester with KNX bus terminal design, adapted to the immunity of KNX / EIB systems. EIBA-certified.

1 ??store.product_de??

??store.product.number.short_de?? 925001 BT 24

??store.product.gtin_de?? 4013364047365, ??store.product.customsTariffNumber_de??: 85363010, ??store.product.grossWeight_de??: 10.10 g, ??store.product.packaging_de??: 1.00 pc(s)

